Saturday, June 16, 2012


Good morning all! Though, I slept very little last night, God has blessed me with an excited wide awake spirit this morning that says, "Hallelujah and PRAISE HIS NAME!!"

This whole website is about taking a minute out of our business to relax, lift holy hands toward Heaven, and PRAISE JESUS! In my Bible reading this morning, I read Psalm 134 which says, 
"Come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, 
who stand by night in the house of the LORD! 
Lift up your hands to the holy place 
and bless the LORD!
May the LORD bless you from Zion, 
he who made heaven and earth!"
(Psalm 134 ESV)

One of my favorite things to do, especially when I've had a bad day or no sleep or an anxiety attack is to SING, so you will most likely see a lot of songs and music videos on here.  

Many years ago, soon after having a nerve severed in my back, I was in extreme pain constantly.  I was a teacher, but it hurt me to stand...I wasn't sleeping and they were trying all kinds of pain meds that were making me VERY sick, all leading up to a THIRD back surgery...I was listening to some praise music and ran across a song by Sheri Easter that helped me through that time and has been a favorite ever since.  Today, I'd like to share it with you... 

Listen to the words and, whether from pain, sickness, frustration, or just exhaustion, if you're having a bad day, why not lift your holy hands and PRAISE JESUS!!

Have a WONDERFUL day my friends!!

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