Tuesday, November 6, 2012


“Perfectly Unique – praising God from head to foot” is a Christian non-fiction self-help book.  It is written by Annie F. Downs for teenage girls.  I could also recommend it for tweens or even young adults.  For that matter, I’m 48 years old and have taken things away.

Annie has chosen ten parts of the body – from the brain (or mind) to the feet.  She has given ways of using each to edify and to tear down.  She interjects personal stories to help it to be applied to day to day real life circumstances.  She uses lots of Scripture throughout to show what God has to say about it.  And, I love her, “Chew on This” section at the end of each chapter.  I believe it is easier to grasp and remember if you actually put things into practice.  Annie has included a few points to “ponder”, some Scripture to “read”, a few words to “look up”, and a “do it” challenge for each topic.

In the Appendix she has several recipes, a list of her favorite musicians, websites to check out, things to be thankful for, and missions opportunities – a few highlights for each topic.  She even has cards, with TRUTH: on the front and LIE: on the back, which have to do with learning to love yourself.

I would recommend this book.

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