Monday, September 17, 2012

Journaling with Jesus & Study Guide Companion

“Journaling with Jesus” is a non-fiction, self-help book by Carol Round.  She also has a forty day companion study guide/journal.

“Journaling with Jesus” begins by teaching that prayer is a one on one conversation with God.  Carol teaches why we would want to keep a journal – mainly to enhance and strengthen our spiritual journey.

I too have been keeping a “Jesus Journal” (what I call mine) for many years. As Carol explains, I have been able to look back and see God’s blessing in the past to be encouraged through trying times in the present.

She uses a lot of Scripture throughout and gives plenty of resources at the end.

I enjoyed reading this book because I have seen the benefits in my own life and agree with what Carol teaches.  I would recommend this book.

Carol Round has also written a companion “study guide” for her book, “Journaling with Jesus”.  I would say it is a 40 day “journal” to help us get started.  There is a daily Scripture, a question to get the day started, a short prayer, and then a page to record thoughts and prayers.  At the end of each day she adds a “Faith Step”.

This book makes a great companion to “Journaling with Jesus”.

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